Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving & sick baby

Sorry for the delay in writing... I have been dealing with a very sick baby the last few months. The poor girl has a constant stream of ear infections, sinus infections, viruses and who knows what else. After countless doctor visits (where I jokingly and not so jokingly asked if they handed out coupons to frequent flyers to help with copays) we are being referred to a pulmonologist for some testing. The doctors feel like she could possibly have an underlying food allergy, such as wheat or dairy, and they want to test her for auto-immune deficiencies. I would much rather she have some type of food allergy than something else wrong...but it also makes me sad thinking about how hard it would be for her to grow up and see all the other kids in school eating cakes, cookies, brownies at parties, etc and having to miss out. My cousin has celiac disease and it was so hard for her to adjust to living gluten free. The more I read about what is allowed in the food that we put into our bodies the more I feel that we should go for a completely unprocessed and natural diet, anyway. I have thought about this for several years now but my husband hates vegetables and anything else good for him! He will literally go through the trash searching for "hidden ingredients" and he is super paranoid about every night when I make dinner. Ok, so I made the mistake several years ago of telling him that I regularly hid squash in the spaghetti sauce and he hasn't let me forget it.... 4 years of marriage later I am getting more creative in the ways that I hide the healthy food... I won't put it in here just in case he happens to stumble across this post at some point :)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a safe holiday. We are planning to do the Drumstick Dash 5k, eat lots of good food and put up all of our Christmas decorations! I will try to post pictures later!